Sometimes a brotha just wants to get his thoughts out...

Monday, September 18, 2006

Another One Of These Joints...

I was bored and felt like robbing somebody.

1. How tall are you barefoot? 6 feet
2. Have you ever flown first-class? Nah
3. One of your favorite books when you were a child? Didn't have one favorite. I pretty much liked everything I read.
4. A good restaurant in your city? I really don't know. I've only been here a few months.
5. What is your favorite small appliance? Is a cell phone charger an appliance?
6. One person that never fails to make you laugh? My brother. That nigga is hilarious.
7. What’s your favorite Christmas song? Jingle Bells (I'm old school)
8. What was the first music that you ever bought? Method Man's first joint...Tical. ON TAPE!!!
9. Do you do push-ups? Yeah, gotta sculpt the guns.
10. What was one of your favorite games as a child? Catch A Girl, Get A light, green light
11. What is the one thing that you cook that always receives compliments? Haven't cooked for enough people to get a compliment.
12. When you were twelve years old, what did you want to be when you grew up? It changed one point I wanted to be a DJ. Like the kind you hear on the radio.
13. Your favorite Soup of the Day? Chicken Noodle. And I swear if any one of you Negroes starts singing that song as soon as you read this...YOU'RE CUT OFF!!
14. What in your life are you most grateful for? man. Just waking up and being able to know I'm awake, ya know?
15. Have you ever met someone famous? I'm hella embarassed to tell this story but ah well. When I was in my early teens, me and my homeboy went to the mall and we met Brandy and got an autographed picture. Yes "I Wanna Be Down"..."Moesha"...I had a sham marriage just so my baby wouldn't be a bastard Brandy. I also met Sinbad at Virginia Beach. Is he still famous?
16. Date Of Birth? March 25, 1983 9:05 a.m. Save the date cause I expect phone calls and cards. I don't need no money in them, just a card.
17. Top 3 thoughts at this exact moment: I could really use something to eat right now...I need to join a gym and redefine my sexy exterior...I need a better job.
18. Three people you're thinking about right now: Me, Myself and this nigga named I.
19. Name five drinks you regularly drink: Water, Peach Orchard Punch (it's made by Tropicana and it only costs a dollar at Wal-Mart), Pepsi, Milk (I like cereal) and drink (not to be confused with juice.
20. From what news source do you receive the bulk of your news? My job
21. Current hair? Waves so nice you might see a ship sailing on them bitches!
22. Current worry? Getting another job before my lease runs out here in VA
23. Current hate? I don't have one. Waste's too much energy thinking about someone or thing of lesser quality than myself.
24. Favorite place to be? Jersey
25. Least favorite place to be? The dentist's office
26. Do you consider yourself well organized? When it comes to my work yes. At the
27. Do you believe in an afterlife? I don't know. Life has made me a bitter and distrusting man.
28. Where do you think you will be in 10 years? literally or metaphorically? I'd like to say in Bristol getting my ESPN on.
29. Do you burn or tan? Neither.
30. Who was the last blogger you hung out with? Monique
31. Are you more optimistic or pessimistic about the future? Optimistic
32. Last time you had an alcoholic drink? Saturday night
33. What songs do you sing in the shower? Don't have time to...I gotta make it to work.
34. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a kid? I was scared of the dark so I thought everything was going to get me.
35. What’s in your pockets right now? Front pockets: Car keys, apartment keys, quarter. Back pocket: Wave cap, free movie pass and my wallet.
36. Last thing that made you laugh? Katt Williams stand up on HBO. You gotta watch it. This average height nigga is hilarious.
37. Best bed sheets you had as a child? Chip And Dale Rescue Rangers. I DARE A NIGGA TO CLOWN!!
38. Worst injury you’ve ever had? Sprained my left knee during senior year of high school during a football game.
39. Favorite song? Little Fugue By Bach. I'm a reformed band geek.
40. How many TVs do you own? Two
41. In the last calendar year, how many people have you told that you love them? None
42. Last person that made you blush? None
43. Best compliment received? Don't remember
44. What song is in your head? None
45. What is your favorite book? The Autobiography of Malcolm X
46. Last meal you cooked for the opposite sex? Shrimp scampi with tortellini...but that was years ago.
47. What songs do you want played at your wedding? All the classic ones...Luther (Big Luther though...I don't Lil' Luther), Earth, Wind & Fire...and of course the Electric Slide!
48. What song do you want played at your funeral? Something that fits. Something that reflects who I was and not just some random gospel song.
49. What were you doing at 12 midnight last night? sleeping
50. What would you like to accomplish with the remaining years of your life? Success, happiness


Blogger GreatWhyte said...

Shrimp scampi and tortellini? Damn, I need to get my game up!!!! I wouldn't even know how to cook shrimp scampi

2:10 PM

Blogger Jameil said...

little fugue? damn. wouldna guessed that one. yo. you said jingle bells!! hilarious!! this: Peach Orchard Punch? straight black. wth is catch a girl get a girl? oh and am i still cut off if i sang it in my head? and i sang i wanna be down too. still singin it and doin the guitar riffs too. i love sinbad.

7:02 AM


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