Sometimes a brotha just wants to get his thoughts out...

Friday, August 04, 2006

I'm Having A Hard Time

I'm having a hard time trying to express the joy that is "The Boondocks" to my white co-workers.
Let me set up the scene...
It's some random day at the station, and myself and a female co-worker (who happens to be of African-American descent) are discussing "The Boondocks" DVD.
We were talking about the one where...well it really doesn't matter since all of them are funny and involve the word "nigga".
So one of co-workers who happens to be white (it's cool he's got a hood pass cause he's from East St. Louis) asks me what me and old girl are chuckling about.
So I try to break it down to him without using the dreaded "n-word".
And I couldn't do it.
I would start talking about the scene and "nigga" would be the punchline and I'd have to censor myself.
Now anyone who knows anything at all about me, knows I hate to censor myself.
Well, my man with the ghetto pass seems interested enough so he starts chuckling, cause even without "nigga" talking about Uncle Ruckus is pretty damn funny.
But here's where it gets a little funky.
Another co-worker (also a white man, one without a ghetto pass but thinks he has one) chimes in FROM ACROSS THE ROOM..."Is that show kinda like "Chappelle's Show?"
No it's not.
For starters there is no more "Chappelle's Show", just that B.S. Comedy Central put out against the wishes of Chappelle.
Secondly "The Boondocks" is animated.
I don't see Ashy Larry or The Time Haters portrayted weekly in well animated scenes do you?
But I'm getting off task.
My original dilemma is, how do I explain "The Boondocks" to white people?
Maybe it's the age old adage rearing it's ugly head again.
"It's a black thing. You wouldn't understand."


Blogger Jameil said...

why should you have to? why is it your job as "the negro" to explain it? its not. i wouldn't even worry abt that. esp. since you have to censor yourself to do it. i'm tired of the constant black questions. so irritating.

12:35 PM

Blogger Sherlon Christie said...

that might be too hard of a task.

2:04 PM

Blogger Jarrod said...

Jameil...I don't like to think if it as me being "the negro". I just want to be able to talk about something I find funny. I try not to think of the work place as a black/white place.

SP...I think you're right, but at least I tried to bridge the gap. Guess I better start watching whatever it is white people watch.

4:13 AM

Blogger Jameil said...

i feel you. you really can't get along in the newsroom where you are a FOR REAL minority thinking of it as black/white.

i don't get seinfeld so i don't necessarily expect you to get boondocks. if you do, cool. if not, i can't really explain it to you. or a black person either. how the hell are you supposed to explain humor? its almost always something you have to see/hear for yourself. better from the source.

9:24 PM

Blogger Jameil said...

ok thinking more abt it, maybe you should just have a boondocks party and invite the inquirer over to watch. does that work?

9:25 PM

Blogger M-Dubb said...

Leave it alone. Put them in a room and make than watch it. They'll either love it or hate it.

7:50 PM


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