Sometimes a brotha just wants to get his thoughts out...

Saturday, March 08, 2008

The Game Done Changed

Granted I've been out the game for a few months, I've missed out on a lot.
But can someone tell me what's good with this "utter" thing?
I've gotten my Diddy on and pressed play and I've got to say you guys are violating the term utter.
According to the Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary (cause who has a real dictionary at home...) utter means (in the verb form mind you)...and I quote "to send forth as a sound".
I've listened to a handful of these and ya'll are definitely not uttering.
Niggas is talking.
The "is" makes it so uber hood...adds to my street cred.
But I say all that to say this...who started this tom-foolery?
Who is responsible for uttering the first utter?
Stand up and take your punishment like a good girl.
I say girl cause like two niggas read this and a man talking about punishing another just sounds gay.
Or like some form of terrorism.
Either way I ain't down with it.
Waterboarding or Brokeback Mountain-ing.


Blogger Chris said...

Who else but the Blog Bully would set off such a revolution? LOL

1:57 PM

Blogger La said...

Clearly you know it was Jam.

And I HATE this utterz shit.

Hello there, stranger :-)

2:31 PM

Blogger GreatWhyte said...

Oh you already know.... it was HER.

6:35 PM

Blogger cherry's kid said...

I just wanted to utter 2 things:

1. if you got your scrabble on like the rest of our family you would have a dictionary in your house

2. I don't know where she's at but if you see her tell her she owes me $5.00!!!!


10:52 PM

Blogger Jarrod said...

Chris...They did say the revolution would not be televised.

La...Why doth thou hate the utter? Aww smiled at me...

X...Damn niggas only get pronouns

Cherry...I've seen Scrabble break up happy homes. I got a scar on my leg to this day for challenging someone...never again.

1:44 AM

Blogger Eb the Celeb said...

I'm not feeling the utterz thing... i'm boycotting it...

its the reason people dont read as it is... how you gonna try and take the reading aspect out of blogging and just talk...

2:28 PM


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