The Return of The Swag
What's good? I know it's been a long time. All will be revealed in due now. So when was the last time I blogged? Like two months ago right? Damn. A lot can happen in two months. Let's see...I guess the most relevant thing (at least personally) is that I have a girlfriend. She's a good woman. Creative, smart, funny, educated. You know all those mushy adjectives people use to describe their significant other. You know that I won't get into too many specifics so I'll just keep it at that. What else is going on with the kid? Some drama at the job. Long story short, some personnel changes were made and I'm back on weekend mornings. Am I tight about it? be honest I still am, doubt if I'll get over it. But I'm trying to add some food coloring to the sugar water and convince myself it's Kool-Aid. Mom says it's the kick in the ass I need. Hate to admit it, but she might be right. Other than those two major things everything is pretty much still the same. Still cooler than your grandfather...
why does the fam have to find out about your girlfriend via the internet? I'm just saying though!!!!
6:30 PM
Sounds like a good lady you got there, J-Money. And down with drama on the job, I'm working through some of that insanity myself. Seems like they like to try US (and you know what I mean by US) more often than we're even aware of, but it's all about dusting off the shoulders and keeping up the good work.
7:15 PM
I came here fully expecting the same tired post that has been up forever. I literally did a double take when I saw a fresh post.
*begins the slow clap for J...*
Good stuff with the new boo. She's a good one. Treat her right. And drama at the job? You just can't catch a break can you? Aside: can a friend like me get a call once in a while? Dang, homie.
2:54 PM
Cherry...My bad little big cousin. I'll make sure to send up some smoke signals next time.
Chris...Yeah. But there's only so much brushing a nigga can do.
Buford...GOTCHA! Yeah, I'm still breathing. Thanks for putting a finger under my nose to feel me exhaling though.
8:23 PM
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