Sometimes a brotha just wants to get his thoughts out...

Monday, October 10, 2005

Am I Lame?

Song Playing-"Young & Sexy" Fabolous Featuring Pharrell & Mike Shorey

So last night I'm on the phone with a female friend of mine from NJ. And we're just catching up on old times because we haven't spoken since I graduated (college that is). So through the course of our convo, she tells me about her odd yet entertaining relationship. Then she asks me if I'm having similar problems in my relationship with my girlfriend. Of course I say no because...I don't have a girlfriend. She then proceeds to flip out on me for not having one. Hence the title of my post. Am I lame for not having a girlfriend?? For the few (or many) people who read this thing we call a blog you all know my lack of a relationship is almost always a constant. I mean I don't have much else to worry about. I got a car, a place to live and a job. So I figure I can put some energy into something else I might want. Anywho...I'm just tryin to figure out why lame niggas are boo lovin and I ain't. Suggestions? Oh and by the way if you really do read this I'd like you to respond, I like to know who's hearing me bitch and moan.

"Everbody wants to be a NIGGA but nobody wants to be a NIGGER."


Blogger Chris said...

Im saying though.... Are you putting me in the lame boo loving catagory. If thats the case, then you getting a girl will place you with the same tag. But the real question is are you MJ or Sam Bowie. They both were in the league, but the key is longevity. Even Mike took a while before he got his first championship. You know who it is...........the pancake server.

8:58 PM

Blogger Chris said...

Hate...Hate...Hate... The relationship plateu boils down to a personal decision as a man. At this stage in our life, you have to persue it as if she were the Prototype(for all those outkast fans). Pointless skeet(and yes i said skeet) is only for the moment. Thus the "lame niggas" have found there constant and appreciate the good and the bad that comes along. Beleive me!!!!!!

9:07 PM

Blogger T Dot said...

No, you are not lame for not having a girlfriend. Whoever said that to you is lame because she's letting a man define who she is. Having someone to be with doesn't make you any less lame (as you stated). As long as you're happy, old girl and her statements can just kick rocks.

7:07 AM

Blogger ahleks said...

I had been girlfriend-less for so long, I stopped really caring but I was still very much content with myself. If that's lame, then oh well ... to hell with everybody lol.

12:58 AM

Blogger Zeezy4Sheezy said...

I'm too picky and I refuse to settle for less therefore I remain single.. Plus chicks keep playing games in 05

7:22 AM

Blogger Lost In Translation said...

Randomly came across your blog. As a member of the same non boo having club, I think it's not that we're lame, but that the we're harder to get and our interest is harder to keep because we got it like that. That's what I like to think.

11:16 PM


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