Sometimes a brotha just wants to get his thoughts out...

Sunday, October 01, 2006


So I did the noon show on Wednesday, and I have one word to describe it...spinning. That's what my head was doing from about 10 up until 11:45. There were times when I wasn't even thinking, I was just doing what people said. "Jarrod you need some sound in your A block, find a VOSOT...this video doesn't match the script talk about it with the have too much crime in this block, find a kicker...that's too soft we need something harder to start this block." You guys get the idea. It's funny because you think you have a good grip on something because you've HELPED someone do it, but once you do it ON YOUR OWN it's an entirely different beast. When you're helping you have all these grand ideas about how YOU'D do it different. But once given that chance yo're just trying to get the show written let alone add some new elements. I didn't have butterflies in my stomach, I had a nest of hornets. There were times I thought I was gonna hurl, and this is while I'm fielding 800 questions from my executive producer...two or three other producers helping me out...the editor...the assignment desk and myself. It was the most stressful I've been in a long time. And yeah, I'll admit while doing all this I questioned if I wanted to do this full time. And I came up with the answer yes. I like being in control...I like controlling stuff. I just didn't know how. But after Wednesday I feel a little better about it. So the kid got his mojo back for a least a half hour...but please believe the next day I was back on the night shift. This dues paying thing sucks.


Blogger T Dot said...

Yay to a great newscast - the first of many, I'm sure.

7:52 AM

Blogger Jameil said...

hahahahaha. isn't it so annoying to make like a dollar to do all that work? but we pay dues for a reason. doing the grunt work makes us better people in the long run when we're runnin thangs.

you'll get the opp to change things and do it your way the more you do it. the first time's frustrating... ok the 1st 5xs. but the more you do it, the more it becomes manageable.

9:47 PM


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