I swear to butter, if one more person from Iowa takes my order for a #2 Super-Sized with an iced tea at the McDonald's around the corner from my apartment I'm going to flip out. It happened today on my lunch break. I decided to venture away from vending machine cuisine and get real food. I drive to Mickey D's and place my order with what sounded like a Black chick. Yes you can sound Black...try it at home. So when I get to the window what do I find? One of Team China's gymnasts...real talk. Shorty looked she was fresh off the rickshaw. How did we go from Jenny From The Block taking my order to Ming-Na Wen taking my money. *sigh* We've got to do better.
Jenny from the Block works at... Is it Blockbuster? **snicker**
12:53 PM
I'm more concerned that you think McDonald's is "real food"...
2:14 PM
why, why, why! Can't different groups upgrade? I mean really maybe Jenny from the Block is now at Walmart where Peggy from the farm use to be and Chung needs a job too outside of chinese food and cleaners...okay that was wrong but I'm just saying?
5:44 AM
Dawg, you are SO inappropriate, LOL...but glad you're blogging again.
3:25 PM
Okay La...that's what I was thinking..McDonalds real food????..LOL.... I'm trying not to laugh while I say this...but you are wrong for that. LOL
Go B.
5:32 PM
X...Ass. That is all
La...Clearly you don't live off of $.65 M&M's like I do. Try that for a week and then see how appetizing a double cheeseburger sounds.
Cherry...Chung? Word? LMAO!
Chris...if I wasn't inappropriate, I wouldn't be me.
A Go...Laugh it up all you want. Revenge is on standby.
1:19 AM
I am sure you couldn't possibly care less, but La tagged me and I needed someone to tag, soo... if you're still around, you're it
5:52 PM
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