I'm Tryin To See What Ya'll Think
Song Playing-None (I'm at work)
Just a quick recap on my life then I'll get into the blog. My cable got cut off Friday (my digital AND my basic), I got no internet (it's on the same bill) and I ain't got no house phone. And if you're wondering I still ain't got no damn towels!!!! On a lighter note, there's this woman I've been e-mailing on a consistent basis. I ain't gonna shout her out cause she knows who she is. I'm just gonna say I've become a fan of the West Coast, especially the Bay Area. No Jezzi it ain't Delilah!
Anyway back to the topic at hand this morning. Last night the station I work for (WTKR in Norfolk), aired a piece that tackled a sensitive issue. The topic was can you turn a gay person straight. Now I believe that being gay is a choice and not something you're born with. What I'm a little fuzzy on is changing a person's choice. Once a person makes a choice they stick with it. You don't switch your favorite cereal from Cocoa Puffs to Special K overnight. I know the analogy is a little off, but it still fits. So with that being said, I pose the same question to you all out there. Do you think it is possible to turn a gay person straight? All comments are welcome good, bad or indifferent.
"I never look back or too far in front of me. The present is a gift and I just wanna be."
I think since gay people claim its not a choice, then they shouldn't be changing their minds all the time. When I was in h.s. a lot of people joined the "i'm gay now" fad. That's weird. And it's not cute.
7:24 AM
Who you corresponding with in the Bay Area? you need to disclose - fully.
4:51 PM
You don't need to know Buford
5:34 AM
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