Sometimes a brotha just wants to get his thoughts out...

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Five-Second Rule

No this isn't the rule where if you drop some food on the floor it's still good to eat if you pick it up quick enough. That's the three-second rule. The five second rule is something a few coaches in professional sports have adopted. No matter the outcome of a game, whether it be a win or a loss, players and coaches are given five seconds to either celebrate or lament. That's it. Then it's on to preparing to the next game. I'm trying to adopt the five-second rule in my life. To make a long story short, I applied for this job. I got called in for an interview. The interview went well. I got a call back. I didn't get the job. Now normally, I'd spend days wondering what I could have done differently to change the outcome. But now, I'm even going to let it get me down. This doesn't mean I'm not going to learn from the experience, I'm just not going to let it define me. So I encourage you all out there to try and adopt the five-second rule in your lives.


Blogger Jameil said...

did you call back and ask how you could improve yourself in the future to have gotten the job? it's always nice to get that feedback.

while the 5sec rule is good in theory, i could never practice that. i love my emotions too much.

7:27 AM

Blogger GreatWhyte said...

I feel you on this, but I think I agree with Jameil. I am WAY too emotional to be able to practice that. I am sorry about the job (if that still falls into the 5 second window!) :)

7:09 PM

Blogger T Dot said...

Oddly enough, my pastor referenced the three-second rule in a sermon, but he insisted it was a 30-second rule. It was an odd day.

Sorry you didn't get that job, but that just means there's something better out there waiting for you. So get to applying - you'll get a good answer from someone soon. And like I said, Providence is always hiring. :-)

8:06 AM


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