I Tried to Keep it Abstract...
I think everyone relishes standing out. I mean who doesn't like being an individual? Wearing whatever moves you regardless of the newest trend...saying the first thing that comes to your mind despite your surroundings or company. But with that freedom comes a penalty. You invite yourself to be misinterpreted by others. It doesn't bother you much when it comes from random co-workers or "friends" who are really on the fringe of being just that. It really messes you up when people who "know" you hit you over the head with it. It's like they accept you, but they do so begrudgingly. It's almost as if they've given up trying to shape you in their own image. I'm not going Biblical with the GOD creating Adam undertone here, just venting. On some levels you can brush it off, because the jerk in you that allows you to be an individual has created this "screw it" mentality. But the other .001% of the time, it bothers you. Deeply. To the point where you're forced to take a step back and analyze yourself. Really look deep into your soul. Questions arise.
"How has the way I've lived my life impacted others?"
"Do I need to alter my lifestyle to appease others despite the fact it may make me like myself less?"
Then the awkward silence happens. Apologies are made. Jokes replace the silence and we move on. Only we don't. The questions keep you up at night, forcing you to confront what's been said. And then you realize it...you're not sure if you like you anymore. But it's ok, because it makes her happy.