You know I gotta keep it left field. That's my lane...
-I need some more Black friends. Dead ass. I mean I got a few leftovers from my Hampton days, but I need some new ones. I feel like the things some of them do aren't what I'm about anymore. Problem is, I'M not sure what I'm about anymore. I'm not really a club dude like that just cause I'm not about ironing, throwing on the smell good and then getting charged $7 bucks for a watered down drink only to have some hood booger bump into me and make me spill 3/4 of it. Oh yeah pile that on top of the possibility of me getting shot and that equals a night of Madden and Chinese food.
-My birthday is coming up (March 25th) and I'm getting that old feeling again. Not the "oh goody it's my birthday and I can't wait for my party/all night drinking session". It's more of a "sweet Lord I'm gonna be 24!". I'm looking forward to this like O.J. was looking forward to that book coming out. Now don't get it twisted, I'm all about life. Breathing is my favorite hobby. But I feel like I'm not "living" ya know?
-One of my fellow bloggers is putting out her Black Album. Remember how "The Black Album" was supposed to be Jay-Z's final album? The metaphor is kind of like that. Like when Tiki Barber announced last year would be his final year, he was metaphorically putting out his Black Album. He was retiring. Well
La has put out hers. Hope you come back in the recording studio soon.
-I was in the crib and I had a hankering for something sweet (pause). So I went to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I went in the the whole wheat bread...some strawberry jam...and turned to open my cabinet when I realized I DON'T HAVE ANY DAMN PEANUT BUTTER!!! Why you ask? Because Peter Pan can't keep disease from it's product! Before I was a little miffed, now I'm pissed! All I want is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with some Peter Pan Honey Roast Peanut Butter! Is that too much to ask for? By the way I didn't put that jam away. I promptly got my other jar of grape jam and made two jelly sandwiches. Sweet tooth satisfied (pause).