I'm Done
In the words of the great poet Popeye..."That's all I can stand, cause I can't stand no more." I'm burned out from this Virginia Tech stuff. Understand where I'm coming from then comment. In the past week, I've seen quite possibly every angle this story has. I've seen vigil after vigil from Stanford University to Christopher Newport University. I've seen Nikki Giovanni give a great speech/poem and I've seen countless ministers give countless sermons. I wonder if I'm in the minority or majority when I say I'm done. I don't want to see anymore of Cho Seung Hui (and yes I can pronounce his name, I've heard it enough times), I don't want to see anymore cell phone video captured by a student (that I might add is now the property of CNN), I don't want to see anymore still shots of the students and faculty who were killed. Understand that I'm in a profession where we suck a story dry, pump life into it and then suck it dry again. Sometimes it's necessary, other times it isn't. In all honesty, I really do feel for any and everyone affected by this, but from my seat on the bench it's time to stop. I miss running normal stories. You know stuff like people falling in manholes in St. Louis (true story) and sea lions getting shot (true story). So yeah, that's my take on the recent events of the past week, hate it or love it.