Losing The Glow
First off let me begin this by saying I am tired of being punked by two of my fellow bloggers. I know I don't really update as often as you'd like. But all this ordering me to blog is gonna stop...dammit! Now, back to my regularly scheduled post. I was in the mall this Sunday popping tags, when I came to a startling realization. It happened while I was dining on some fine mall Chinese cuisine. I'm grubbing when I look up and notice this girl. I hesitate to say woman because I wasn't really sure how old she was, and I'm not risking 3-5. But nevertheless, she looked of age. So she sits down with her plate of food a few feet away from me. So we start playing "eye tag". You know where you look at someone and the minute they look at you, you either look down or away. Pretty juvenile yes, but that was all I had going for me. So you would think after a few games of "eye tag" I would man up and go over and talk to the girl right? WRONG! I sat there and ate my food and then left. I give you the summary to say this: I think I've lost my glow. I feel like Sho-Nuff in "The Last Dragon". You know the scene where his hands stop glowing? Or better yet, I feel like Austin Powers when he lost his mojo. I don't know what's wrong with the kid. It's like I've lost my nerve to talk to women. Now don't get it twisted, the kid is still about that salmon, but I'm not fishing with the same confidence I used to have.