Song Playing-"Ride (Get Right Remix)" Usher
1. So the other day I'm watching some porn right (don't front ya'll watch too), and I realized something. Porn messes up a person's real sex life. You've got these abnormally attractive and altered people doing things you can't even wrap your mind around. So what do you do? You try to convince your significant other to "try something". You only wind up pulling a muscle and looking dumb.
2. I've been thinking (I tend to do that sometimes you know), and I think I might be single for a long time. It's not that I'm not attractive (this isn't me saying this about myself, I'm just saying what I've been told. If you have doubts scroll down and see for yourself), it's just that I've been out of a meaningful relationship for so long that I'm not sure I would know how to function in one. In college like most guys I wanted to "sow my royal oats", but about a year ago I got tired of that. There's an emptiness to having your bed being shared with someone you've only known for 12 hours.
3. Sometimes I think we as a people let too much shit slide. I was at work(yeah a Black man with a job and a degree, thought we were extinct didn't ya!) and we aired a story about FEMA having some "rap song" about how helpful they are or something dumb like that. I was cool with that because music has no color. The thing that pissed me off was the people guessed it right if you said young Black children. It's like only Black people listen to rap, so they must be able to identify a good rap from a bad one. Maybe I'm overreacting, but that shit really irked me. It also made me feel inadequate. I'm in this position where I can somewhat control what is aired on news, and I didn;t voice my opinion. Of course after the show was over and the anchor,producers and directors discussed what the did and didn't like about the show some thouhgt it was "funny". Shit ain't funny dog. There is never a moment on television where White people (forgive me if this sounds racist, it isn't meant to be) are ever pictured as being dumber than they are unless it's on America's Funniest Home Videos. Like where does it stop? When do we stand up to this? Aight...that was my militant, angry 6 foot tall 240 pound angry Black man rant. if I scared a few of ya'll off my bad. A nigga just had to get some shit off his chest.
4. Speaking of "the N-word" I think anyone can be a nigga. It's a state of being not a race. Just how I feel, if you feel otherwise let me know. But to be honest I need to stop saying it at least at work, some peopel might get to comfortable and let it slip. Then I gotta go angry Black man again and I might need some bail money. Buford you got me if I get locked up?
5. Despite my randomness and my rants, there is a method to my madness. This is just a forum for me to clear my head. If I've offended anyone I do apologize. If I haven't that's what's up
6. (last one I promise)...Ladies I haven't been getting as many applications I thought. Got a few, but not a lot. Let's try to improve on that mmmkay.
And I'm out with a quote I made up that really fits life..."Don't complain if you're complacent"